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The Grand Prize Is A Kindle Fire HDX 7” plus books to go on the winner’s new Kindle. All the rules and how the hop will work it listed on the Safari Heat site:
Have you ever gotten a truly naughty gift?? In Extreme Couponing, when Tae gives Bella a risque coupon book for Christmas, it ignites a new fire in their love life.
Naughty or nice? Read on and decide for yourself!
Extreme Couponing
by Sabrina York
Bella adores Tae. He is sweet and patient and gentle. She would do anything to keep her handsome hubby happy—even pretend to be something she’s not. She ignores that niggling dissatisfaction with their very vanilla marriage. But secretly, she yearns for something darker.
When Tae discovers—quite by accident—about Bella’s secret desires, he is determined to fulfill her every fantasy—and his. He devises a wicked coupon book full of naughty commands and fiendish challenges. From spankings to bondage to erotic play with household implements, he tests her limits.
With each coupon Tae redeems, Bella sinks deeper and deeper into the lifestyle she has always craved but never had the courage to demand. Can they find a place that allows her to be the strong independent woman he fell in love with and the quivering sub she is at her core?
What is the Naughtiest Gift You’ve Ever Received?
Comment below (and leave your email!) to be entered to win a copy of Extreme Couponing, and other great prizes!
Winners need to be in the US or Canada to win items that need to be shipped, but anyone can win an E-Book. We will be giving away random prizes everyday on various stops, so be sure to stop by each post.
There are four ways to get extra entries into the grand prize giveaway. You are not required to do these, but you can get extra entries. Earn one entry for completing each of these things: Leave a comment here, follow my blog, follow me on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/SabrinaYorkBooks) or follow me on Twitter (@sabrina_york).
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Copyright © SABRINA YORK, 2012
All Rights Reserved, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.
By reading any further, you are stating that you are at least 18 years of age. If you are under the age of 18, please exit this site.
Isabella’s body warmed as Tae strolled into the living room dressed in nothing but a pair of red flannel pajama pants and a Santa hat. He carried two mugs of steaming coffee. She smiled and nestled into the overstuffed couch.
Lord, he was gorgeous. The pajama pants dipped, just skimming his waist, revealing the flat plane of his belly, skating over his hip bones. His broad chest and his abs—a ridged, glorious mocha—made her mouth water, her body melt.
But then he’d always had this effect on her. From instant she first saw him. He could turn her from a confident, powerful woman to a quivering little girl with a look.
Even after all this time, she sometimes couldn’t believe he was her husband. That he loved her. And heavens, she loved him. She’d do anything to please him. Even pretend to be someone she wasn’t.
If he ever discovered the truth, she could lose him. And the thought of losing him was far too painful to contemplate.
Tae was a nice guy. A good guy. The deep, dark fear rumbling in her soul was that if she told him her secret, he would be appalled. The love in his eyes would dim. And he would leave her. When Steven had found out—when she’d been stupid enough to let it slip—he’d called her a “sicko” and stormed out of her life.
While she was glad it hadn’t worked out with Steven, who had been a pompous prig, she couldn’t bear it if that happened with Tae.
He was, in short, her life.
“Your coffee, sweetheart.” The timbre of his voice sent a shiver down her spine. It settled in that warm spot between her legs.
She reached for the mug. It was obvious from the color he’d laced it liberally with cream.
Just the way she liked it.
Everything was better with cream, after all.
She drew in a deep breath. Mmm. Saucy and sweet. The perfect ending to a perfect meal. Tae’s gourmet creations were always amazing but he’d really outdone himself with this Christmas dinner. Juicy roast of beast with authentic Yorkshire pudding and an exquisite tart Béarnaise. He’d whipped up an astounding triple chocolate mousse for dessert. Warmth bubbled in her chest.
She knew she’d won the husband lottery with Tae. A sweet, loving man who put up with all her crap—she was something of a brat and she knew it. Couldn’t help it. But a man who looked like that—and could cook…
She should be satisfied.
She should.
He sat beside her, humor dancing in his chocolate-brown eyes. “Are you ready to start again?”
Bella glanced at the denuded tree and chuckled. “I think we got all the presents.” She leaned forward and kissed him. He tasted like rich, fragrant coffee. “I love my necklace.” She dandled the bauble.
“I knew you’d like it. And I love that teddy.”
It was red satin and trimmed with fur. Hardly functional, but it made her feel like a seductive princess. “You did well.” She kissed him again and frowned when he pulled back.
He cleared his throat. “But we’re not done.”
She tipped her head to the side. “There are no more presents under the tree.”
“There’s one more. For me.”
“For you?” Bella wrinkled her brow. She was about to tell him he’d opened everything she bought for him when he angled off the sofa and strode to the tree. He fished around in the boughs and pulled out a small rectangular package. He came back and plopped down beside her with a grin, but there was a hint tension in his rangy form that had her wondering.
He thrust an unfamiliar package toward her. She took it and tipped it from end to end, studying it. “I didn’t wrap this.” She tended, as a rule, not to wrap presents in newspaper and duct tape.
“It’s from you. Read the tag.”
It said, To Tae from Bella.
It was his handwriting.
Nibbling her lip in bemusement, she studied him. His expression was taut. “Well? Are you going to open it?”
“Are you giving it to me?”
She laughed and tossed him the package. “Apparently.”
“Just want to make sure.” With a simmering glance at her, he slid a finger beneath the tape. A small booklet fell out onto his lap.
“What is it?” She scooted closer.
“Oh look. You gave me coupons.” He sounded excited. Thrilled even.
“Coupons?” She shook her head and took a sip of her coffee. What on earth was he up to? She was hardly a “coupon queen”. She was the kind of woman who used coupons as bookmarks.
In fact, he did all the grocery shopping. Well, if he wanted food in the house.
She wasn’t very domesticated. Never had been.
He flipped through the booklet, oohing and aahing. The sideways looks he sent her set a fire in her gut.
“Oh Bella,” he purred, pausing on one coupon in particular. “You shouldn’t have.”
She frowned. “Let me see that book.”
Before he could protest, she snatched it from him and flipped through the pages. And she began to laugh. Clearly he’d printed out this booklet on his computer. “Good for one backrub. Hmm.” She flipped to the next. “Good for breakfast in bed.” Okay. There was the usual stuff. One foot rub, one blowjob, one comment-free football game…
And then she came to one that made the breath catch in her throat
It said, One hour of complete submission.
She froze. Every muscle in her body locked in place. Her heart pounded, her blood thrummed, her body liquefied…
Name: Laurie P
Email: goaliemom0049(at)gmail(dot)com
Your Comment: I follow, like and all of the below! And a partridge in a pear tree….(it is that season)
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Laurie, thanks for playing! Be sure to visit all the stops to win MORE prizes!!
Time to give away another prize and the winner is…Laurie P. You have won the following prize..A Gingerbread Recipe and Cookie Cutter from author Melissa McClone. Congrats! I will contact you and get your info to forward to the author. Happy Hopping!
Hi Sabrina just stopped to read a bit! I haven’t read this one looks like I might have to soon! I am so far behind!
You already know I like and follow ill share this blog as soon as I get home had a surprise 12 hr day! Yay so Not much sharing!!
Thanks for the blurb!!
Kris, thanks for stopping by…and on such a crazy busy day! You rock!!!
Name: Marlene Entel
Email: mengel2@nycap.rr.com
Comment: I hope I win the grand prize
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Good luck Marlene!
Name: Barbara
Email: bkg0605@aol.com
Comment: This is so much fun! I love the Blog Hops
I enjoy both naughty and nice!
It is all about the mood of the day.
Happy Holidays
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True Barbara. Also, some days I am very very good. Others I am naughty…
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Name: Kaylyn D
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Thank you Tina for introducing me to Sabrina. Naughtiest gift was probably my kindle because it introduced me to a whole different genre. BDSM lol
LOL Kaylyn! I love it. And thanks Tina!!!
Kaylyn Davis you have won the ebook Pirates by author Denyse Bridger. Congrats! I will contact you after the hop.
Congratulations Kaylyn!!
Tina Reiter
Thank you so much for this giveaway! I’m a huge fan!
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Oh yeah, the naughtiest gift I’ve ever received was fuzzy handcuffs.
Oh Tina…you know I need deets on that!
Name: Kathryn Anne Merkel
Email: drainbamaged.gyzmo at gmail.com
Your Comment: I got a black lacey teddy from my fiance one year. That’s as naughty as it ever got.
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Thanks for stopping by Kathryn!
Name: Kimberly Mayberry
Email: kbinmich@yahoo.com
Comment: Yes! I got some “toys” for Christmas one year!
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Thanks for playing Kimberly!
Eva Millien
evamillien at gmail dot com
Some racy nighties Thanks for sharing the hop and giveaway. Wishing everyone a wonderful and magical holiday season!
Facebook – done
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blog – done
Eva, how fun! Enjoy the blog hop!!!
Name: Shelly Hammond
Email: booski24@hotmail.com
Comment: Happy days to one and all! Oh boy, the naughtiest gift I’ve ever received? Well, I’m not really sure. I don’t think I’ve ever really received anything super naughty (it did say gift, not what I myself have gotten for myself or others, luckily 😛 ). Extreme Couponing sounds really good. I think I like Tae already and might just need to know a lot more about him and his broad chest and his abs. Thank you for that! Woo! Thank you for the chance to enter the giveaway. Merry Holidays to one and all!
Twitter: @ShellyHammond14
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Country you live in: US
Thanks for playing Shelly! Oh, you will adore Tae! He’s a real keeper!!!
I loved that excerpt. I forgot what I’m supposed to write!
Okay…here’s the stats:
Michelle Willms
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LOL No worries Michelle! Thanks for playing!!!
I wish I had ever received a naughty gift! It would have been so much fun! This coupon book was so nicely naughty! I love it!
Now: I don’t twitter. (sorry)
I do follow on facebook
I have subscribed to the blog.
I live in the USA
Thanks for playing Pansy! Oh, everyone should get a naughty gift at least once! (And in my estimation, chocolate can be naughty!!)
Name:Virginia Horton
Email: lead@hotsheet.com
Comment: I have gotten some pretty naughty gifts a few times.
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LOL Virginia! You know we all want the deets!
Name: Sheri Vidal
Email: smurfettev AT gmail DOT com
Your Comment: My husband took me to an adult toy shop and let me go pick out a present for our anniversary on the way to the hotel. 😉
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Oh Sheri! That sounds like fun!
Name: Erika Messer
Email: abbyswarriormom@aol.com
Twitter: @austenfreak1976
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Country You Live In: USA
I honestly can’t say that I have ever received a “naughty” gift 🙁 Which is kind of sad for me since I am 37 years old and was married for 13 years. Maybe some day …
Oh Erika! Have you ever tried…giving one? Like a naughty coupon book??
Name: Amy Bowens
Email: amybowens34@yahoo.com
Comment: I have never received a naughty gift but I have given a naughty one to my husband a coupon book for him. Thanks and have a merry Christmas!
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Country USA
Oh Amy, I bet that was fun!!!
Name: Shadow Kohler
Email: shadowluvs2read(at)gmail(dot)com
Comment: Naughtiest? 😀 Well i will admit, it do buzz, took batteries and was quite satisfying! hehe I havent read Extreme Couponing yet, but it does sound amazing! Ive loved all your other books that ive read. Ya all are so awesome! Thank you for the amazing giveaway! Very much appreciated! Thank you! Happy holidays!
Twitter: @LuvToRead09
Facebook: Shadow Kohler
Country you live in: US
LOL Shadow. You made me laugh! I hope you enjoy the hop, baby!!!
Glad i could make ya laugh! 🙂 Wow. My words didnt make much sense. Should have proof read. lol Sorry bout that. You have fun on the hop too! Have a great night hun!
LOL baby, I got it!
Name: bn100
Email: bn100candg at hotmail dot com
Comment: Sounds interesting
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Thanks for entering!!!